Friday, October 21, 2011

October 21, 2011

 Joe and Mika pretended to be offended (because offended is more acceptable than laughing out loud) by the Hermanator's assertion that gay is a choice and that Black does not wash off.  Dan Savage offers a scientific test of Cain's hypothesis.

A backwoods resident is offended when his backwoods newspaper refers to his backwoods town as backwoods.

This one's a bit obscure, but as near as I can tell, an ANC leader was arguing to a group of South Africans of African ancestry FOR inclusion of South Africans of Indian ancestry, and, in the course of his talk (in FAVOR of including Indians), he used a mildly(?) derogatory word for Indians.  Throwing the baby out with the bathwater, the Indians got offended and demanded an apology.  Really?

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